Studies show the body absorbs chemicals through nail polish so non-toxic varnishes are proven to be kinder to nails - L‘ATELIER GREEN is the "girl’s best friend" of nail care.

In a world when we are keen to have it all, L’ATELIER GREEN represents the perfect collision of style and ethical, organic ingredients; we like to think of it as ‘a glamorous conscience’.

  • A low chemical nail lacquer
  • Eco-designed products (made in France in an approved eco-friendly site, 100% recycled and recyclable bottles, no superfluous packaging).
  • Made in France: formulated, designed and developed in our labs in Paris.
  • A 25-free formula enriched with organic active ingredients (Pure Avocado & Sweet Almond Oils, Acerola, Ginseng, Zinc and Silicium Extracts).
  • Long lasting 5-day ( NakedNails) & 12-day ( EverGreen) high shine & easy application (patented wide brush).
    • Plant Origin (potato, corn, wheat and manioc replace classical solvents), Vegan and produced in an eco-friendly site.
    • The Air & Water permeable “Naked Nails” formula keeps the nail in the best condition.
    • Awards-Winning for BEST VEGAN COSMETIC BRAND. 



    L'atelier green paris vegan nail polish halal breathable plant based repair your nails nourishing organic oils